The Anime Hideout V2

MOTM Forum News Important Information
Nominate a member This forum is the new, much better, version of my old forum from Proboards. Now I am using VForums which is alot better for what I need. Most of what I used codes for on my last forum are already built into the forum here. If you have any suggestions on how to improve my forum please post in the suggestions board but nothing about the forum system itself, I don't have control over that. I am going to have a ShoutOut section here which you can post a message in a thread I am going to make and you can post what you want to appear in the ShoutOut section and if you have enough Yen and if the message is approved of it will be posted.

The Anime Hideout V2 :: Members List - Staff Members
Members ListView: All Members   Top Posters   Staff Members   By Date Registered   By Last Active   By Letter
Name E-mailPostsRank
IonFortunaHidden104God (Ultimate)
Skin Team
Group Leader
Order of the Black Knights
DragonessHidden109God (Ultimate)
Naruto UzumakiHidden15God
miyakunHidden2VERY Inactive User
Chibi SephirothHidden36Captain
Squad 11
Order of the Black Knights
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